How To Avoid Bottlemouth Syndrome

As a parent, it is vital to help your child develop a healthy oral care routine. Taking care of their teeth as soon as your child begins cutting them is essential. Unfortunately, without efforts on your part, tooth decay can show up early. Not only will early tooth decay damage their baby teeth, but it can also threaten their permanent teeth if not addressed. One of the first threats you will come up against is bottlemouth syndrome. Fortunately, you can avoid it by taking a couple of simple steps.

What is Bottlemouth Syndrome?

Have you ever seen young children with tooth decay on their upper front teeth? If so, this was probably a case of bottlemouth syndrome. Bottlemouth syndrome, also called Baby bottle tooth syndrome, is tooth decay caused by constant exposure to milk or sugars found in the child's bottle as they sleep. 

When a child takes and keeps a bottle to bed with them and falls asleep with the nipple of the bottle in their mouth, the milk or juice pools behind their front teeth. This liquid allows bacteria to coat these teeth, eroding the child's enamel. The top teeth are the most commonly affected, although bottlemouth syndrome can affect any of your child's teeth.

Often these same children will walk around when awake with a bottle or pacifier as their constant companion. The ever-present nipple prevents the natural saliva in their mouth's from washing the sugars from their top teeth. 

How To Avoid Bottlemouth Syndrome?

Fortunately, with a little effort on your part, bottlemouth syndrome is easy to prevent and avoid by doing a few simple things.

  • When your child falls asleep with a bottle present, remove it as soon as you notice they are no longer sucking it.
  • If your child demands a bottle during the day, fill it with water instead of milk, juice, or other sugar-laden beverage 
  • Never introduce soft drinks, kool aids, or imitation juice drinks to your child's bottle 
  • Create an oral hygiene routine as soon as your child's teeth erupt
  • Introduce your child to a cup as soon as they hold it 
  • Find and visit a pediatric dentist before your child's first birthday

You are your child's first defense against anything threatening their healthy teeth. These few simple steps can help them develop a beautiful, healthy smile and avoid unnecessary discomfort and future dental problems. For more information, contact a pediatric dentistry office near you.
