Ways To Clean Your Teeth

Keeping your teeth clean can help you avoid serious health conditions. Plaque and tartar-covered teeth are associated with the development of periodontal disease, which is linked to significant systemic conditions, such as diabetes, heart disease, and hypertension. 

There are multiple ways to clean the teeth. Here are a few of them:

Brushing and Flossing

If you regularly visit your dentist, he or she has probably emphasized regular brushing and flossing. Still, you may not yet realize the importance of these at-home cleaning measures.

Plaque accumulates on the teeth as food particles mix with the bacteria of the mouth. Due to the biofilm produced by the oral bacteria, the plaque has a sticky consistency that causes it to adhere to the teeth and gums.

As long as the plaque continues to coat the tissues of the mouth, tooth decay and gum inflammation can result. The bacteria within the plaque digest leftover carbohydrates in the oral cavity and release acid as they digest the food. This acid is corrosive to the teeth and gums. By removing the plaque through brushing and flossing, you remove the source of damaging bacterial acids.

To ensure that the teeth are safely and effectively cleaned, a toothbrush with soft bristles should be used. String floss or an oral irrigator can effectively remove debris from between the teeth and along the gumline. 

Professional Teeth Cleaning

The teeth should be cleaned professionally at least twice a year. During the cleaning, tartar that has accumulated on the teeth is scraped away. A scaler is used to perform the cleaning. Other cleaning methods do not effectively remove tartar.

Tartar is calcified plaque. The plaque hardens when it is left in place for hours at a time. The resulting tartar is so hard that toothbrush bristles and floss cannot remove it. 

Chewing Gum

Throughout the day, chewing sugarless gum can help clean the teeth. The gum sticks to plaque and particles of food to remove them from the teeth. Additionally, the mastication of the gum causes the release of saliva.

Saliva helps dilute and neutralize oral acids to prevent damage to the teeth and gums. Additionally, the saliva rinses away the debris that the gum has pulled from the teeth.

Still, it is important to only chew sugarless gum. Sugar serves as a food source for the oral bacteria, encouraging their growth.

For more information about effectively cleaning your teeth, schedule a consultation with a dentist at offices like The Downtown Dental Clinic in your local area.
