What to Expect If Your Dentist Recommends Root Planing and Scaling

If your dentist discovers that the pockets between your teeth and gums are too deep, he or she will probably tell you that you will need to undergo a non-surgical procedure to have this problem fixed. The procedure you will need is called root planing and scaling, and it is designed to clean the gum lines out. Here are three things you should know about and expect from this procedure.

Why it is needed

The areas where your teeth and gums meet are prone to developing problems. This occurs when plaque on teeth begins to harden and turn into tartar. As this happens, bacteria can get trapped inside your gum lines, and this can lead to swelling of the gums. It can also lead to gum disease. If left unaddressed, you will develop gum disease, and this can cause you to lose teeth and bone mass in your jaw.

What to expect during the procedure

During root scaling and planing, a dentist will clean these areas out with a tool called a scaler. This area is very sensitive, which means you will need anesthesia during the procedure. Without anesthesia, it may be hard to tolerate the procedure. Your dentist might be able to complete the entire procedure in one visit, but there is a chance you will need to divide it into two visits.

When the dentist performs this, the goal is to remove all the toxins, bacteria, and tartar buildup that have formed inside the gums. This can take a lot of prodding and poking, and it may leave you sore afterwards.

What to expect after the procedure

If you normally experience soreness after getting a normal teeth cleaning from the dentist, you should expect to feel this type of pain and more after having root planing and scaling completed. Root planing and scaling is very similar to normal teeth cleaning, except that it is much more intense.

After you have this done, your dentist is likely to recommend taking pain medication to ease the pain. Ibuprofen works well for this, because it helps decrease inflammation, which is something that is common after root planing and scaling. Your dentist might also recommend using a certain type of mouth rinse afterwards to help keep your mouth clean and free of bacteria.

If you have any questions about this procedure or anything else related to dental issues, check out http://www.allaboutsmilesinc.com/ and contact a dental clinic today.
