Tips For Getting Through The Dental Implant Healing Process

If you have decided to replace your missing tooth with a dental implant, you will go through a long healing period. You don't have a lot of pain for the entire time, but it takes a few months for the jawbone to heal around the post that is implanted where you have the missing tooth. Here are some tips for the first stage of your recovery after having the dental implant procedure performed.

Stick to a Liquid or Soft Foods Diet

As with most oral surgery procedures, you should not go right back to eating the way you normally do after a dental implant procedure. You want to start with a liquid diet, then gradually switch to soft foods. You will be quite sore for the first few days, so don't be surprised if you aren't too interested in food. Choose liquids that fill you up so you don't feel like you are missing out too much on chewing, such as with fruit smoothies and soup broth. When you switch to soft foods, start chewing on the side opposite of where you had the implant procedure to give the surgical side a little more time to heal.

Don't Smoke Cigarettes

It is important that you remain as healthy as possible during the entire recovery period. For at least the first few weeks, you should not smoke cigarettes. They increase your risk of gum disease, which can have a negative effect on the healing process after getting your dental implant. Smoking cigarettes can also decrease the speed at which you heal from your oral surgery. If you can quit smoking for the entire healing period, that is better, but at least abstaining right after the procedure will help.

Practice Good Oral Hygiene

Keeping the area clean and free from bacteria and food debris is essential to have a good healing process. After you go through the dental implant procedure, you will first be instructed to use mouthwash to keep the area clean. There isn't a tooth to brush, but make sure you gently brush and floss the nearby teeth, being careful not to harm the surgical site. Keep brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash daily to avoid bacteria or gingivitis.

Look For Signs of Infection

You also want to make sure you don't get a dental infection, so take the antibiotics prescribed to you by the oral surgeon. Keep an eye out for signs of infection, such as increased bleeding, severe or worsening pain, and a foul taste in your mouth. If you suddenly get inflammation or swelling that wasn't there before, that is another sign of an infection. Contact a business, such as Gallery Dental, for more information. 
