Need Your Wisdom Teeth Removed? Know The 4 Signs Of Infection Following The Procedure

If you're about to have your wisdom teeth removed, you're not alone. In fact, statistics show that about 85% of the total population will need to have their wisdom teeth extracted. Most people simply don't have enough room in their mouth to accommodate those 13th molars. When you have the procedure performed, your dentist will provide you with after-care instructions. It's important that you follow those instructions carefully. Failure to do so may lead to a serious dental infection. Here are the signs of infection that you should be on the look-out for.

Pain That Gets Worse Over Time

You're going to be in pain after the procedure. Your doctor will prescribe pain medication to help keep you comfortable. The pain should begin to subside in the days following the extraction. If your pain does not subside, or it gets significantly worse, you need to contact your dentist as soon as possible.  This is particularly true if your pain medication fails to dull the pain.

Increased Swelling of the Mouth and Gums

Your gums will be swollen for the first couple of days following the extraction, especially the area where your tooth was removed. Swishing salt water around in your mouth should reduce the swelling. If the swelling increases, or you begin to notice swelling in other areas of your mouth and gums, you should speak to your dentist. You should also watch for signs of increased swelling in your face or neck area.

Foul Odor Coming From Your Mouth

If you suddenly develop bad breath, or a bad taste in your mouth, it may be a sign of infection. Infections in the mouth can often cause bad breath. If the foul odor continues for several days, or does not go away after rinsing your mouth, be sure to discuss the issue with your dentist. If the foul odor is accompanied by a discharge at the extraction site, you should contact your dentist immediately.

Unusual Fevers That Don't Go Away With Fever Reducer

Fevers can be another sign of infection, especially if no one around you is sick. If you have a fever that has not responded to fever reducers, or has returned, you should notify your dentist as soon as possible.

Once you've had your wisdom teeth removed, it's important that you follow your dentist's instructions. If you develop any of the symptoms discussed above, you should contact your dentist. You may have an infection that will need to be treated. To learn more, contact a professional like Dr. Peter L Drob with any questions you have.
